We joined Powell Street Festival on August 5th and 6th!
お知らせWe joined Powell Street Festival on August 5th and 6th!
Lots of people came to our booth and took students’ treatments.
We joined the Slide the City in North Vancouver
お知らせWe also joined the Slide the City in North Vancouver on August 12th and 13th.
A big water slide appeared on Lonsdale avenue and we had a booth in front of our school. We provided shiatsu treatments and handed out lots of flyers about our student clinic 😀
Please call us for an student clinic appointment!! 604-904-4187
お知らせカナダ指圧カレッジでは、祝祭日を除き毎日学生によるスクールク リニックを実施しています。$42(Tax込)で全身指圧を受ける事ができますので、まだ指圧を受けた事がない方もぜひ一度お試しください。ご予 約は604-904-4187(ノースバンクーバー・メインキャンパス)まで
お知らせカナダ指圧カレッジのディプロマプログラムは1年間で取得が可能です。より実践に重点を置いたカリキュラム内容となっており、次回セメスターは9月 5日よ り開始します。プログラムの詳細はこちら、ご質問などはこちらへ お問い合わせください。
We have completed re-certification process
お知らせWe have completed re-certification process with Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) and got a Designated Certificate!
CCST Student Clinic is available next week from Monday July 31 to Sunday August 6 .
お知らせCCST Student Clinic is available next week from Monday July 31 to Sunday August 6 .
Call us for an appointment @ 604-904-4187
*Please Note: Availability may subject to change or cancellation without notice. Appointments are updated once a week on Facebook. If you like to know more on the current updates, please contact us by phone. Thank you !
Mon, July 31 @ 10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm, 6:30pm
Tue, Aug 1 @10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm, 6:30pm
Wed, Aug 2@ 10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm
Thu, Aug 3@10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm, 6:30pm
Fri, Aug 4@ 10am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm, 6:30pm
Sat, Aug 5@ Students will be at Powell street festival
Sun, Aug 6@ Students will be at Powell street festival
Field work experience at Sakura Days Japan Fair
お知らせWe had a great Field work experience at Sakura Days Japan Fair at Vandusen Botanical Garden on April 8 and 9! The weather was not great especially 8th, but a lot of people came to our booth and took Shiatsu treatments from our students.
Wellness Show on March 3, 4 and 5 at Vancouver Convention Centre
お知らせCCST students joined the Wellness Show on March 3, 4 and 5 at Vancouver Convention Centre!! We had a great experience!!
A lot of people came to our booth and took 10-30 minutes Chair and Table Shiatsu from our students.
Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy
・カナダBC州 PTIRU認定登録校
・カナダBC州 EQA認定登録校
142 Lonsdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, BC
Canada V7M 2E8
PHONE: 604-904-4187
FAX: 604-904-4183
© Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy